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Ash, Misty, Brock, and Todd continue their search
for the Legendary Pokémon Articuno as they walk towards Snowtop Mountain. Noctowl
returns to the group, informing them that it didn't see any signs of Articuno
by the mountain. However, Todd is certain that they saw Articuno fly to that
mountain. Golbat also returns to the group, and when Brock asks it whether it
saw anything, Golbat leads the group to Jigglypuff, who has been completely frozen
along with its signature microphone. Brock notes that they haven't seen
Jigglypuff in a long time, and wonders what it's doing there. Todd has a hunch
that Articuno may have frozen Jigglypuff. Ash sends out Cyndaquil and has it
use Flamethrower to unfreeze Jigglypuff. Right after Jigglypuff becomes
unfrozen, Todd runs towards it and grabs it, frantically asking whether
Articuno was the one who froze it. Jigglypuff becomes annoyed and slaps Todd in
the face. Misty takes a different approach and politely asks whether Jigglypuff
knows where Articuno went. To this, Jigglypuff points towards Snowtop Mountain,
confirming the group's beliefs.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket is climbing up the side of
Snowtop Mountain by using a rope and two ice axes. A Spearow suddenly takes one
of the ice axes that Jessie is using, causing her to yell at it and demand for
her tool back. Suddenly, an entire flock of Spearow surrounds Team Rocket. They
peck at the last ice ax keeping them on the mountain, loosening it up and
causing them to fall down the side of the mountain.
As Ash and friends walk towards Snowtop Mountain
with Jigglypuff now in tow, they come across two Stantler, which Todd takes a
picture of. Todd comes up with an idea to print out a whole bunch of those
pictures and make them into Christmas cards. Pikachu then points out a nearby Pokémon
Center, and the group walks towards it. As they approach it, they see a sign
that says that this Pokémon Center is the highest of its kind in the world.
Todd takes a picture of the rest of the group standing next to the sign. Just
then, Officer Jenny pulls up by the Pokémon Center in her snowmobile and
invites the group inside.
The group sits inside, warming themselves up, and
Todd says that getting a picture of Articuno might be harder than he thought it
would be. Ash comes up with an idea: once they find Articuno, they can just get
Jigglypuff to sing its song. Then, Articuno would fall asleep, so Todd can then
take all the pictures he wants to take. Ash praises himself, when Misty points
out that Jigglypuff's singing would put Todd to sleep, as well. Todd mentions
that he wouldn't want a shot of Articuno asleep, anyways--instead, he wants
Articuno to look big, powerful, and majestic, just like he's always imagined it
to be.
Nurse Joy then approaches the group, saying that
Officer Jenny told her that they were looking for Articuno. Nurse Joy tells
them that Articuno has been coming to Snowtop Mountain for as long as anyone
can remember. The group is brought outside to an Articuno statue, and Nurse Joy
informs them that the statue was brought there over 1,200 years ago. Travelers
say that the Articuno watch over them on their journeys. Officer Jenny says
that some people believe that the Articuno still has nests in all of the highest
mountains and coldest places, and that it flies from nest to nest, bringing
winter weather with it. She mentions that there is a diary of one of the people
who brought the statue there that says that Articuno rescued him and lots of
others. Todd suggests that that might be the reason why Articuno is in the area
It turns out that Team Rocket landed, but not in
the most convenient of places: they are stuck on a small area of ice, and
without their equipment, there is no way to get up and no way to get down. Meowth
rolls over on his side and dreams of sleeping on a coffee table. Jessie and James
scold him and try to wake him up, but to no avail. James suggests that Meowth
has the right idea. Jessie becomes frustrated and stands up, shouting out for
help. However, all she can hear is her own echo. James says that at least their
situation can't get any worse, but just then, it starts snowing. Meowth wakes
up, confused, and a blizzard starts. The three of them hug each other, thinking
that they are doomed, when Articuno suddenly appears before them.
Back with Ash and co., Officer Jenny continues
talking about the legend of Articuno. The legend is that three travelers were
stranded on the mountain, when an Articuno found them and led them to safety. A
year later, the same three people brought the statue to Snowtop Mountain to
thank and honor Articuno. After hearing all about Articuno, Ash and his friends
only become more determined to find it. Nurse Joy warns them that it is quite
dangerous to climb an icy mountain like Snowtop. Brock promises Nurse Joy that
he will guide the rest of them, and when Nurse Joy confirms that this will be
Brock's first time ice climbing, she suggests that it might also be his last.
Brock freezes up at this, and it starts snowing. Once a blizzard starts,
Officer Jenny tells everyone to go back to the Pokémon Center. However, Todd
sees something in the distance, and Articuno swoops up before Todd can get a
picture of it. The blizzard suddenly stops, and the group notices a knocked-out
Team Rocket mashed up in a pile of snow.
Back at the Pokémon Center, Jessie and James
shiver in blankets, while Meowth bundles up in his blanket and lays on the
coffee table, just like in his dream. Brock tells Team Rocket that Nurse Joy
and Officer Jenny are preparing soup for the three. After Misty calls for Brock
to help her out with the coats, Ash and Todd are left in the room with Team
Rocket. Ash demands for Team Rocket to explain how they wound up in the pile of
snow. Jessie and James explain that they were stranded and alone when a
gigantic thing flew up out of nowhere and lit up, and then they all blacked
out. Todd knows that they are talking about Articuno, and realizes that Team
Rocket's situation is just like the story that Officer Jenny told the group.
Todd runs outside to find Articuno, and Ash follows after him. Misty and Brock,
holding thick jackets, see Ash run out. Brock mentions how they can't just run
around a snowy mountain dressed like that. They run after Ash and Todd.
Now left alone, Team Rocket realize that Articuno
must have saved them and realize that Articuno is a Legendary Pokémon. They
toss away their blankets and decide to capture Articuno. When Nurse Joy and
Officer Jenny come out with the soup, Team Rocket is already gone. When they go
outside the Pokémon Center, Officer Jenny finds out that her snowmobile is gone
and knows that Team Rocket took it. The two realize that a storm is on the way
and is headed for the mountain, and know that they have to find them before the
storm hits.
Ash and his friends, now wearing thick jackets,
are walking through the snow when it starts snowing heavily out of nowhere. Ash
thinks that the blizzard means that Articuno is somewhere nearby. Pikachu and
Jigglypuff seem to sense something. Just then, Articuno appears before them,
and the blizzard stops. Ash walks towards Articuno, greeting it, when it
screeches at him. Ash wonders what's wrong when he looks below him and realizes
that he's right at the edge of a cliff. The group realizes that Articuno
stopped them from falling over the edge, saving their lives. Jigglypuff makes a
move to sing, but Ash covers its mouth before it can. Todd focuses his camera
on Articuno when something suddenly attacks it. It turns out to be Team Rocket.
Jessie tells Arbok to launch another Poison Sting
attack while James tells Weezing to use Sludge. Ash has Pikachu use Thunderbolt,
and Articuno launches an Ice Beam at Team Rocket. Team Rocket hides behind Wobbuffet,
who uses Mirror Coat. Articuno dodges the attack, but the attack hits the ice
behind it, causing chunks of ice to fall and hit Articuno. Articuno falls down
and Ash and Todd run to save it, but the piece of ice that they're on breaks
off, causing them to fall, as well. Pikachu and Jigglypuff jump over the edge
after them. Misty and Brock ask if Ash and Todd are okay, but no response is
heard. A blizzard starts up again, and its force is strong enough to blast Team
Rocket off. Misty wonders how the blizzard started, and Brock suggests that
when the ice hit Articuno, the power it was holding back was released all at
once. Misty and Brock decide to head back to the Pokémon Center to get help
from Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny in order to find Ash and Todd through all the
Ash and Todd are falling through the air, but
Articuno uses its power to lift them up. Jigglypuff, with Pikachu on its back,
inflates itself like a balloon so that it and Pikachu can float safely. Ash and
Todd wake up to find themselves in the middle of nowhere. They are surprised
that they survived the fall, but when they see Articuno looking at them, they
realize that Articuno saved them. Jigglypuff and Pikachu land safely, and
Jigglypuff deflates itself by letting out a breath. Ash and Todd realize that
the two Pokémon must have followed them down there because they wanted to make
sure that they were okay. They thank Pikachu and Jigglypuff, but Jigglypuff
makes another move to sing. Ash and Todd tell Jigglypuff not to sing, but just
then, Team Rocket lands a short distance away. Once they see Articuno, they are
determined to capture it.
Jessie has Arbok use Poison Sting and James has
Weezing use Sludge. As the attacks come closer, Articuno uses Powder Snow,
freezing the attacks. Arbok and Weezing use the same moves again, but Articuno
quickly dodges them with Agility. Articuno then sends out an Ice Beam, and Team
Rocket hides behind Wobbuffet, who uses Mirror Coat again. However, the Ice
Beam is too strong for Wobbuffet, and it is knocked to the ground. Articuno
then uses Blizzard, and its force is so strong that Jigglypuff gets blown away
with Team Rocket. Both Team Rocket and Jigglypuff get blasted off.
Ash and Todd watch them get blasted away when the
sun emerges from behind the clouds, indicating that the storm is finally over.
They notice Articuno, who is looking big, powerful, and majestic, just as Todd
imagined it. He takes out his camera and takes his long-awaited picture of
Articuno. Articuno then flies upward, and Ash comments that Articuno probably
knew that Todd wanted to take its picture, to which Todd agrees. Just then,
Misty, Brock, and Officer Jenny find them and approach them on the snowmobile.
They get a glimpse of Articuno as it flies away and admire its beauty and
strength. Misty questions where Jigglypuff is, and Ash and Todd reveal that it
got blown away with Team Rocket. Ash hopes that Jigglypuff will be okay.
Back outside the Pokémon Center, Todd informs the
group that he is going to stay around Snowtop Mountain. He wants to take more
pictures of the Pokémon that live in the area. Todd wishes Ash luck at the
Johto League, while Ash wishes Todd luck with his pictures. Ash, Misty, and
Brock say farewell to Todd as they leave the mountain. The screen then shows
Todd's picture of Articuno, which is displayed inside the Pokémon Center.
At nighttime, Team Rocket is shivering inside a
small cave in the mountains. Jessie and James are exhausted and decide to go to
sleep, when Meowth scratches at their faces, forcing them to stay awake. Meowth
says that if they sleep when it is freezing this much, they may never wake up
again. Jessie and James don't like the idea of that and decide to stay awake,
but they suddenly hear Jigglypuff, who appears at the entrance of the cave.
Jigglypuff stares at them with its microphone in its hand, and Team Rocket begs
for Jigglypuff not to sing. However, Jigglypuff goes ahead and sings, its voice
echoing throughout the cave and putting Team Rocket to sleep quite easily.
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